Labor is all over the news these days: The continuing war on unions in its varying manifestations, labor’s election role, and, most recently, union actions vis-a-vis Wal-Mart, airports, Hostess Brands and more. It’s a fascinating time for labor.
Thanks for visiting this website, devoted to labor issues. And thanks for your interest in the revised edition of State of the Unions, which addresses why — after years in the shadows, labor once again is so active, and getting so much attention.
A housekeeping note: The updated State of the Unions, having just been released, is in various states of availability. Barnes & Noble, for example, has the e-Book (Nook) on its website, but not the paperback, while Powell’s Books is readying both. Other venues are ready, including Amazon, and paperbacks can be ordered directly from the author as well, as indicated on this site.
Please check in often for updates, for labor news, and more — and feel free to contact me with your thoughts on labor matters.